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What Clarity files are needed for support questions?
Applies to
Clarity data acquisition software.
For trouble shooting not only a chromatogram is required, but also method and calibration data files. In case of support questions: copy all the below mentioned files to a new folder, zip it and send it with an email to Antec support.
Revision info on software and drivers:
- c:\clarity\system info.txt
- c:\clarity\IQ About.html
Project information
- c:\clarity\projects\$project$.prj
Method and data files that come with a project, for example a project called ‘phenols’:
- c:\clarity\phenols.cfg (hardware definition)
- c:\clarity\phenols.dsk (desktop configuration)
- c:\clarity\phenols\*.met (the actual method file)
- c:\clarity\phenols\data\*.prm (chromatograms)
- c:\clarity\phenols\calib\*.prm (calibration chromatograms)
- c:\clarity\phenols\calib\*.cal (calibration file)
- c:\clarity\phenols\*.seq (sequence files)
License info: license info such as the user code and the activated hardware modules can be found in the Help menu of the main window (f.e. help/about/system files). Add the Audit trail of the day: c:\clarity\LOG\(file is named with a date tag)