SweetSep High performance anion exchange column
High-Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography in combination with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (HPAEC-PAD) is a well-established method for the analysis of carbohydrates in food and life science. A novel anion-exchange stationary phase, SweetSep™ AEX, has been developed for fast and superior separation of mono-, oligo- and polysaccharides. For more information, click SweetSep™ AEX columns.

Borate Trap column
The borate ion trap column removes borate contaminants from mobile phases. It results in significant improvement in peak shape of sugar alcohols (e.g., mannitol and sorbitol), fructose and mannose, etc. The trap column is simply placed between the pump and the injection valve (autosampler). For more information, click Borate Ion Trap.
Amino Acid Trap column
An amino acid trap precolumn eliminates amino acids from the injected sample, and removes interfering peaks from the chromatogram in monosaccharide analysis using HPAEC-PAD. For more information, click amino acid trap.