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Should I switch off my detector at night?

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Electrochemical detection


No need to switch off, the detector and cell have been developed for continuous use. The detector is kept ON as long as the HPLC is running. Only switch off the system if not in use for a week or more. The cell is then taken apart, cleaned with demi-water, and stored dry. A salt bridge REF is stored in saturated KCl solution to prevent drying out. To switch off a detector for longer period of time:

  1. before switching off a (non-Antec) HPLC system read manufacturers recommendation
  2. switch off the cell and disconnect it from the HPLC system.
  3. disassemble the cell and clean with demi water and dry it
  4. wash out the column with recommended storage solvent (read supplier recommendations)
  5. wash out salts and buffers from the HPLC system and all tubings
  6. put on a storage solvent, usually water with 50% organic (read supplier recommendations!)
  7. NEVER switch off the system with corrosive or high salts mobile phase in it !

When switching solvent to a high percentage organic avoid mixing with buffers that may precipitate, use a low percentage as intermediate solvent.

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